Cohort of 2024
Hello! My name is Gabrielle Kowalchuk, and I am from Vancouver, BC. I graduated in 2022 with an Honours BSc. in Microbiology from the University of Victoria.
In the final year of my degree, I completed my thesis project at BC Cancer Victoria, where I investigated how alanine impacts T cell metabolism and function. After graduating, I continued to work in the lab as a research intern where I had the pleasure of designing and testing viral vectors for T cell genetic engineering. My research experience taught me so much about the value of collaboration, adaptability, and asking questions.
Around a year after graduating, I learned about genetic counselling, and quickly realized that it was exactly the kind of career I had been searching for. The discovery led me back to Vancouver, where I worked as a data entry clerk for the Provincial Newborn Screening Program. There, I had the opportunity to learn about screening, interact with diverse care providers, and work directly with a genetic counsellor. In preparation for the program, I also volunteered at both a crisis text line and women’s transition house. All of these experiences further solidified my desire to become a genetic counsellor.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, running, and relaxing by the water! I am so excited to be a part of the UBC program and look forward to learning from my instructors and peers.