Emerging Genomic Topics (MEDG 595)

Last Course Offering: September – December 2024

Credits: 3

MEDG595: Emerging Genomic Topics

Emerging genomic tools and technologies have dramatically altered the landscape of genetic counselling. Throughout the 13 weeks, the Emerging Genomic Topics course will explore more than 30 topics under seven broad themes: Population Genomics, Multi-omics, Reproductive Genomics, Pharmacogenomics, Cancer Genomics, Genomics in Society, and Novel Treatment for Rare Disease. Our content experts will tackle the questions Genetic Counsellors face today.

Here is a sneak peak:

  • Whole genome analysis sounds promising, but can it really inform treatment for cancer patients? Dr. Janessa Laskin will use examples from BC Cancer’s Personalized OncoGenomics Program (POG) in the unit “Integration of WGS into Cancer Care”.
  • What do patients think of new genomic tests? How can Genetic Counsellors help to dispel genetics myths and promote fact-based genetic information? Sandro Marcon talks about the tools on social media and gives us the tips in the unit “Navigating Genetic (Mis) Information in the Media”.
  • How is genetic genealogy solving crimes? Jason Moore from the accredited BCIT Forensic DNA Laboratory explains how this might only be the tip of the iceberg for forensics labs in the unit “Role of the Forensic DNA Laboratory”.
  • And despite all the progress since the mapping of the human genome, Dr. David Huntsman explains why our genomes are still not part of our medical health record and why genetic counsellors need to pave the way forward in genetic medicine in the Unit “Genomic Fortune Tellers”.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Analyze and appraise the utility and impact of genomic testing in multiple clinical sub-specialties.
  2. Evaluate, debate and predict ethical concerns in emerging genomic fields.
  3. Justify moral and medical decision-making in regards to genomics, considering the perspective of multiple stakeholders.
  4. Successfully present complex genomic concepts for a non-professional audience.