I have been Program Co-Director for the UBC Master’s Program in Genetic Counselling (GCP) since 2012 with primary responsibility for curriculum development and the directed studies research projects. Involved with the GCP since its inception in 1996, my roles have included Clinical Supervisor, Lecturer, Selection Committee, Advisory Board Member, and Acting Program Director. I have supervised over 50 genetic counselling students in clinical rotations and/or directed studies research projects and am honored to have been awarded the Department of Medical Genetics Clinical Teaching Award in 2006 and the Faculty of Medicine Clinical Excellence in Teaching Award in 2007.
My clinical experience covers a broad range of practice including prenatal, pediatric, adult predictive testing and cancer. Since 1998 my clinical focus has been cancer genetics, serving as the Provincial Clinical Coordinator for the Hereditary Cancer Program from 2006 – 2012.
Professional contributions include ABGC Item Writer, ABGC Certification Exam Committee, CAGC Professional Governance Committee, ACGC Board of Directors and Manuscript Reviewer for the Journal of Genetic Counseling.
My research interests include genetic counselling service provision models including exploration of group counselling and videoconferencing modalities, as well as the process changes needed to effectively incorporate multiplex genetic testing into hereditary cancer genetic counselling. In addition, I have explored medical and psychosocial issues related to hereditary cancer risk and treatment.
Selected Publications
Lori d’Agincourt- Canning, B. McGillivray, K. Panabaker, J. Scott, A. Peran, Y. Ridge, C. Portigal-Todd. Evaluation of Genetic Counselling for Hereditary Cancer by Videoconference in British Columbia. BC Medical Journal, Dec 2008 50(10):554-559
KA Metcalfe, A. Finch, A. Poll, D. Horsman, C. Kim-Sing, J. Scott, R. Royer, P. Sun, S.A. Narod. Breast cancer risks in women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer who have tested negative for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. British Journal of Cancer. 2009. 100:421-425.
MJ Esplen, N. Stuckless, J. Hunter, A. Liede, K. Metcalfe, G. Glendon, S. Narod, K. Butler, J. Scott, E. Irwin. The BRCA self-concept scale: A new instrument to measure self-concept in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Psycho-Oncology. January, 2009; 18:1216-1229
Y. Ridge, K. Panabaker, M. McCullum, C. Portigal-Todd, J. Scott, B. McGillivray. Evaluation of group genetic counselling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Journal of Genetic Counselling. (2009) 18:87-100.
J. S. Kwon, J. Scott, B. Gilks, M.S. Daniels, C.C. Sun, K.H. Lu. Testing Women with Endometrial Cancer to Detect Lynch Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 2011, 29(16): 2247-2252
R Pataky, L Armstrong, S. chia, A. Coldman, C. Kim-Sing, B. McGillivray, J. Scott, C. Wilson, S. Peacock. Cost-Effectiveness of MRI for breast cancer screening in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. BMC Cancer, July 2013, 13:339.
Scott, J. Beauty and the Beast: Integrating Multiplex Panel into Hereditary Cancer Genetic Counseling. Estudos, Goiania, Nov 2014 v. 41, especial: p.63-74