Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Tel: (604) 877.6000 x 672198 (Clinical)
Tel: (604) 877.6000 x 672324 (Lab)
Research Interests:
Genomics & Bioinformatics |
My research involves assessing the scope and impact of germline findings identified in the course of next generation sequencing in the research and clinical setting, with an emphasis on the use of these technologies in the oncology setting. |
Clinical Genetics, Genetic Counselling and Ethics & Policy |
My research also focuses on the molecular diagnosis and characterization of hereditary cancer syndromes in the research and clinical setting with a view to improved surveillance and treatment of associated cancers. |
Schrader KA, Cheng DT, Joseph V, Prasad M, Walsh M, Zehir A, Ni A, Thomas T, Benayed R, Ashraf A, Lincoln A, Arcila M, Stadler Z, Solit D, Hyman D, Zhang L, Klimstra D, Ladanyi M, Offit K, Berger M, Robson M.(2016). Germline Variants in Targeted Tumor Sequencing Using Matched Normal DNA. JAMA Oncol.2(1): 104-111. [epub ahead of print on Nov 10, 2015]
Stratton KL, Alanee S, Glogowski EA, Schrader KA, Rau-Murthy R, Klein R, Russo P, Coleman J, Offit K. Outcome of genetic evaluation of patients with kidney cancer referred for suspected hereditary cancer syndromes. Urol Oncol. 2015 Dec 23. pii: S1078-1439(15)00573-6.
Laskin J, Jones S, Aparicio S, Chia S, Ch’ng C, Deyell R, Eirew P, Fok A, Gelmon K, Ho C, Huntsman D, Jones M, Kasaian K, Karsan A, Leelakumari S, Li V, Lim H, Ma Y, Mar C, Martin M, Moore R, Mungall A, Mungall K, Pleasance E, Rassekh S, Renouf D, Shen YQ, Schein J, Schrader K, Tinker A, Zhao E, Yip S, Marra M. Lessons learned from the application of whole genome analysis to the treatment of patients with advanced cancers. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2015 Oct 27 1: a000570.
Hart SN, Maxwell KN, Thomas T, Ravichandran V, Wubberhorst B, Klein RJ, Schrader K, Szabo C, Weitzel JN, Neuhausen SL, Nathanson K, Offit K, Couch FJ, Vijai J. (2015). Collaborative science in the next generation sequencing era: A viewpoint on how to combine exome sequencing data across sites to identify novel disease susceptibility genes. Brief Bioinform. 2015 Sep 10. pii: bbv075. [Epub ahead of print]
Topka S, Vijai J, Walsh MF, Jacobs L, Maria A, Villano D, Gaddam P, Wu G, McGee RB, Quinn E, Inaba H, Hartford C, Pui CH, Pappo A, Edmonson M, Zhang MY, Stepensky P, Steinherz P, Schrader K, Lincoln A, Bussel J, Lipkin SM, Goldgur Y, Harit M, Stadler ZK, Mullighan C, Weintraub M, Shimamura A, Zhang J, Downing JR, Nichols KE, Offit K. (2015). Germline ETV6 Mutations Confer Susceptibility to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Thrombocytopenia.PLoS Genet.11(6): e1005262.
Sullivan J, Kopp R, Stratton K, Manschreck C, Corines M, Rau-Murthy R, Hayes J, Lincon A, Ashraf A, Thomas T, Schrader K, Gallagher D, Hamilton R, Scher H, Lilja H, Scardino P, Eastham J, Offit K, Vijai J, Klein RJ.(2015). An analysis of the association between prostate cancer risk loci, PSA levels, disease aggressiveness and disease-specific mortality.Br J Cancer.1(113): 166-72.