Research Day 2023 is approaching, and you can secure your spot by registering through this link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eaqpt543quAqCt8. Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions is October 20th. For all the details regarding the poster competition, you can refer to this document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4p51QN0RVk5gqmh0xQE21SpJ0nAGLYg/view?usp=sharing.
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Houra Merrikh from Vanderbilt University (https://lab.vanderbilt.edu/merrikh-lab/) will be our esteemed external Keynote Speaker. Additionally, we have the privilege of hosting presentations by our faculty members, Dr. Carolyn Brown and Dr. William Gibson, along with Biotech talks by STEMCELL Technologies and NanoString Technologies.
If you have any questions please message us at medgen.researchday@gmail.com.
Leticia Dinatto and Nathalie Longakit
MGGSA Research Day Committee 2023
What is Research Day? Medical Genetics Research Day brings together students, staff, and faculty from all of our Vancouver lab locations to celebrate the high-caliber research in our department. Trainee posters will showcase the research projects of our students and post-doctoral fellows, and offer a platform for networking both with other research groups, as well as with the companies that support our valuable work. With the current province-wide status of the pandemic and vaccination efforts, we plan on returning to LSI for this year’s Research Day.
Poster Competition: Genetic Counselling students; and MSc and PhD graduate students and medical residents whose supervisors are Medical Genetics faculty, are encouraged to present their research with a poster and 5 minute talk and 5 minute question period format. Registered presenters are automatically entered to be judged for prizes!
Undergraduates and post-doctoral fellows with Medical Genetics research supervisors are welcome to present but are not eligible for prizes. Students from other programs may be given presentations depending on availability, but will not be eligible for awards.
A very big thank you to all of our 2022 sponsors, Research Day would not be possible without you!

Awards presented on Research Day:
- Patricia Baird Prize recognizes excellence in Medical Genetics research by trainees.
- James Miller Memorial Prize is awarded to a senior PhD student excelling in the areas of leadership and integration of basic science with clinical medical genetics.
- Teaching Assistant Award is determined each year from students’ course evaluations. The award is presented to the Teaching Assistant who showed exceptional dedication to teaching, was consistently accessible, stimulated interest in the course, and communicated effectively during tutorials, on Connect, etc.
- Faculty Teaching Award alternates between a clinical and basic science faculty researcher who has excelled in their teaching duties in the Department of Medical Genetics.
Contact: medg.gsa@ubc.ca