Rotation Program

The Medical Genetics Rotation Program is an opportunity for incoming students to work in three different research labs under three supervisors.  The rotations are from September to March – the first two terms of the student’s degree program.  Each rotation is nine weeks long.

The two-three highest ranking September-start applicants will be offered a place in the Rotation Program.

Is there funding?

Students selected for the Rotation Program receive a Medical Genetics Rotation Program Award totaling $37,000 for MSc students and $38,500 for PhD students for their first year (September – August).  After the first year, the student will receive a stipend from their research supervisor.

Why participate in the Rotation Program?

  • Collaborative and cross-disciplinary research experience
  • Exposure to different lab cultures
  • Develop a broad skill set
  • Maximize the chances of a good fit between student and supervisor

What are the eligibility requirements for the Rotation Program?

  • SEPTEMBER-START admissions applicants only
  • Canadians, Permanent Residents, and international MSc and PhD applicants
  • First-class grades in genetics and previous degree
  • Outstanding references
  • Advanced research experience
  • Academic awards

How do I apply to the Rotation Program?
All eligible September-start admissions applicants are automatically considered.  There is no separate application form.

What is the selection procedure?
The Admissions Committee ranks eligible applicants. The top-ranked applicants receive Rotation Program offers by March.

Do Rotation Program student take courses during their rotations?
Yes.  All Medical Genetics Graduate Program students take 18 credits of courses over their first two terms.

What happens at the end of the rotations?
Students must secure the commitment of a permanent/thesis supervisor by the end of their third rotation.